In the world of online marketing, videos are far more versatile and beneficial than most doctors would think. Adding a video to your website (and doctor SEO campaign) is more than just a frill – it’s a way to increase traffic to your website and attract new patients to your practice.
There are a number of different functions of video in your marketing campaign. In this four-part series, we’ll focus on the three main approaches as they relate to your doctor marketing tactics.
Video Function #1: Brand recognition
Branding isn’t just for corporations and companies offering a product – just like any other company, your practice or hospital is offering a service and should be branded as such. Think beyond cheesy slogans and jingles and consider how helpful video can be in encouraging recognition of your practice.
Branding your medical practice is about creating an image of your services in your client’s minds and encouraging them to think of you first when they need medical care. Even a simple “welcome” message in video format will stick with your potential patients longer than images or text on your site – and imagine the benefit that a virtual tour of your office guided by your friendly staff can have. Take the opportunity to show off what’s great about your practice.

Posted on July 24, 2017 by Gretchen Kalthoff
How to Stay HIPAA Compliant When Using Social Media for Healthcare
Despite regulations surrounding the use of social media within the healthcare industry, there are enormous gains to be made from utilizing social media, from increasing patient engagement to acquiring new patients.…Read more