Study: Social Media Does Benefit Your PA/Nursing Career

Candice Claassen

Candice Claassen

Posted on January 08, 2015

Does social media actually benefit your career? A new survey by Clinical Advisor suggests so. This past August and September, Clinical Advisor asked 350 nurses and PAs about their use of Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Doximity. The survey found that 45 percent use social media for career purposes.
The study also broke down respondents’ impressions of the impact social media had on their jobs in 2014:

  • 28 percent said social media helped their career.
  • 13 percent said they are unaware how social media affected their career.
  • 12 percent said social media had not actively helped their career.
  • None said that social media had a negative impact on their career.

For business purposes, 48 percent primarily used LinkedIn, while 36 percent preferred Google+ and 26 percent stuck mostly to Facebook.
[related_content]The perceived benefits of social media come as no surprise; the aforementioned channels all enhance the dissemination and discussion of valuable information. Social media also reaches a wide audience, making it a top recruitment and networking tool. As long as companies are careful not to post offensive or unethical material, medical marketing services like social media can open several doors in your career.
Although the Clinical Advisor survey gives a comprehensive look at the effects of social media on nursing and PA jobs in 2014, it does not address the question of how much this breakdown is apt to change year-to-year with increasing digitalization.
When choosing which social media outlets to invest your time in next year, be sure to consider how platforms are likely to evolve. While Google+ seems to be losing impact, Reuters has reported that Facebook is rumored to be cooking up new ways to incorporate healthcare into its platform. Social media outlets that address privacy concerns are also likely to gain popularity next year.

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