Reaching Patients Through Quality Content

Amanda Guerrero

Amanda Guerrero

Posted on March 01, 2013

Today’s consumers aren’t interested in advertising. They want to be educated and entertained – and they seek out content that does so without coming across as gimmicky or spammy. Providing your target audience with content they find interesting is one of the most powerful ways to build your brand. It allows you to engage consumers, gain their trust, and establish yourself as an organization they want to do business with. Great content not only attracts attention, but it also gets shared – and the better the content, the wider its reach.
The aim of an effective medical practice marketing strategy is to create material that people want to read, view and share, and not simply content that aids with SEO. Good content – whether it is an article, infographic or video – should be a source of entertainment, provide useful information, or perhaps answer an often sought out question, all related to your organization’s industry. By providing unique content that people are actually interested in, you can attract high-quality traffic to your website and establish yourself as a trustworthy source. This will make it easier down the line to convince patients of your healthcare organization’s ability to fulfill their medical needs.
If you are thinking about kicking off a content or medical practice marketing campaign, here are a few things to consider before you get started:

  • Determine who your target audience is.
  • Decide what your brand’s voice will be.
  • Conduct research to find out what topics your target audience cares about.
  • Consider whether people might feel inclined to share a particular piece of content on social media.

Remember, if you attract a visitor to your site through a great article or video and that visitor has incentive to keep coming back, there is a greater chance that they can be converted into a customer. Meanwhile, if you focus more on SEO and less on producing quality content that engages visitors, people will likely leave your website more quickly and will be less inclined to come back, doing nothing for your organization’s marketing and branding efforts.

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