Medical Hosting Company Launches New Cloud-Based HIPAA-Compliant Hosting Solution

Marie Westerhof

Marie Westerhof

Posted on November 19, 2018

DALLAS, TX, November 19, 2018 — Medical Web Experts LLC is announcing the release of MWE Cloud, a new HIPAA-compliant cloud hosting service that offers higher availability, better security, and more efficient development capabilities than traditional medical cloud hosting services. Based on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) HIPAA-compliant cloud, the MWE Cloud is available for the hosting of any website or application which may be used to collect, store or transmit Protected Health Information (PHI), and is therefore subject to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.

Health organizations seeking to host a website or application subject to HIPAA regulations face a significant challenge, and often find themselves forced to choose between reasonable costs, high security, and being able to conveniently release changes to their apps. The hosting options available to them may meet the minimum requirements for HIPAA compliance, but might not meet the organization’s requirements for development, availability, or security. This increases the cost of development – the organization struggles to adapt their processes for releasing updates and new versions to a hosting service not friendly to development, which increases the overall complexity of a project and incurs hidden fees.
Additionally, healthcare organizations may require a higher level of security than what HIPAA law requires. The MWE Cloud aims to provide that security, without compromising convenience. “Over the years, we’ve found so many vulnerabilities in projects that were brought to us, especially in small to medium-sized businesses,” explains John Deutsch, Founder and CEO of Medical Web Experts. “Our development services, paired with the MWE Cloud, give our clients the efficiency, security, availability and compliance they are looking for.”
The infrastructure for a HIPAA-compliant hosting service is more complex than a non-HIPAA-compliant environment, which does raise costs, but much of the price of HIPAA-compliant hosting is often due simply to the service being branded as “HIPAA-compliant.” Healthcare organizations may feel that they are receiving a higher level of service from their HIPAA hosting provider, when in reality, they are not.

While many other HIPAA hosting services exist in the market, few services exist from vendors that specialize in HIPAA-compliant web and app development as well. The MWE Cloud service is exclusively available to Medical Web Experts customers who also use their development services. Application projects or websites developed by Medical Web Experts enjoy a wealth of benefits by hosting within the MWE Cloud, including:

  • Faster development (service-based)
  • The ability to manage infrastructure as code
  • Seamless logging and audit capabilities
  • Support for scalable software design
  • Restricted and secure access to ePHI
  • Rapid and seamless deployment of new versions
  • Robust service monitoring, with optional client email notifications
  • Build and run stages kept securely separated, but identically configured, for better development and QA

The Enterprise MWE Cloud hosting service starts at $125 per month and requires no long-term hosting contracts, which are common amongst the competition. Some of the hosting features include:

  • Backups: Encrypted off-site backups are performed daily and are retained for 6 years.
  • WAF and DDoS protection: Optional packages with Web Application Firewalls (WAF) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection.
  • SSL: SSL certificates that support TLS v1, v1.1 and v1.2.
  • Continuous monitoring: Maintain ongoing awareness of security controls, vulnerabilities, and threats to support risk management decisions.
  • Virtual network protection: Software-based switches and network configurations within the virtual environment allow virtual machines on the same host to communicate more directly and efficiently.
  • Access Control: Strict access requirements, such as VPNs, bastion hosts, two-factor authentication, login audits and secure channel communication with public-key cryptography.
  • Encryption at-rest: Data is encrypted with 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256), one of the strongest block ciphers available.

All hosting environments support advanced customization, tailored to the application or website’s specific needs. For more information, please visit or call 1-866-932-9944.
About Medical Web Experts
Founded in 2003, Medical Web Experts is a leading provider of HIPAA-compliant enterprise healthcare solutions – including medical hosting, mHealth app development, custom portals, web design, marketing, content creation, and custom interface development. By applying unparalleled industry experience, Medical Web Experts helps provider groups, hospitals, health systems, IDNs, pharmacies, medical device manufacturers, laboratories, and healthcare software vendors create next-generation web and mobile technologies. Learn more at
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Marie Westerhof

Marie Westerhof

Marie is the Director of Marketing at Medical Web Experts, and has over 10 years of experience in the development and execution of digital marketing campaigns for healthcare organizations. She also heads complex medical writing projects for healthcare networks, hospitals, large physician groups, and independent physician practices.

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