Facebook News Feed Updates May Impact Your Medical Practice

Candice Claassen

Candice Claassen

Posted on May 04, 2015

Facebook Newsfeed
In efforts to create a more individualized experience for uses, Facebook recently announced changes to its news feed content algorithm based on feedback from users. The updates could affect your healthcare organization’s social media marketing efforts.
The social media giant plans to alter the balance between content from friends and pages in three ways:

  1. Users who tend to run out of content will now see more – even if this means seeing multiple stories from the same publisher.
  2. Updates from close friends will appear higher in the news feed, which means that content from pages and advertisers will get pushed down.
  3. Stories about friends liking or commenting on posts will appear lower in users’ news feeds.

How Will the Changes Affect Your Business?

Whether the news feed updates affect your business’ page will vary depending on your healthcare organization’s posting practices. The best way to avoid losing page views and impressions is to use the following tips to continue to drive distribution:

  • Post frequently.
  • Share links, photos and a variety of content.
  • Upload videos with a call to action.
  • Create content with social context in mind – think about identity and emotion.
  • Tag other pages in your post.
  • Host a live Q&A.
  • Build around your famous connections.
  • Use trending to find popular topics and post about them.
  • Embed Facebook or Instagram posts into your website.
  • Add the like and share button to your site and mobile apps.
  • Add open graph and app links tags.
  • Add Facebook comments to your website.

Worried about how these and other news feed changes could affect your organization’s overall marketing efforts? Contact us to find out how our medical marketing services, like a diversified marketing campaign, can help.

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