Category: Modern Healthcare Management Insights

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Posted on April 15, 2013 by Amanda Guerrero

Introducing new technologies to streamline time-consuming processes can help your practice boost its bottom line by making more efficient use of your employees’ time. These simple recommendations will help you…Read more

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Posted on April 02, 2013 by Amanda Guerrero

Whether you like it or not, your customers are posting reviews about your company on websites all across the Internet. These reviews provide potential customers with a glimpse into the…Read more

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Posted on March 11, 2013 by Candice Claassen

With countless new businesses emerging in the marketplace, it is more important now than ever to set your healthcare organization apart from the pack – and establishing a brand identity…Read more

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Posted on March 11, 2013 by Candice Claassen

There are many applications developed for smartphones and tablets that allow people to get organized, become more efficient, and save time. There are productivity apps that help doctors streamline correspondence,…Read more