3 Reasons a Blog is an Essential Tool for Your Medical Website

Julie Ho

Julie Ho

Posted on July 20, 2012

1. Blogging engages your patients. A blog allows you to engage your patients as well as prospective ones by informing them of services, procedures, and changes to your practice. One of the many advantages that comes with having your own blog on your medical website is that it provides the ability to comment on it, and address/answer specific questions from your patients in a more personal, casual tone, than that which may appear from your website, thus allowing patients to relate and connect with your practice. Further, not having a blog will not only make your website look somewhat outdated, but it will also put your practice at a disadvantage with medical websites which do take advantage of the benefits associated with having one.
2. In your blog you’re in charge. You can either create, or decide what the content will be and how often you post. It can be more effective to post articles periodically which relate to your practice and the concerns and questions of your patients, as opposed to posting everyday on less engaging topics. This customization allows you not only to address specific topics related to your practice and your patients, but it also allows you to include keywords and tags that will generate the interest you are after. Updating your blog with the keywords you are looking to move up in will create a long-term positive effect on your SEO ranking results.
3. A blog can maximize your exposure by being linked to your social media accounts. When your articles post to Facebook, twitter and Google+ or any other form of social media, you increase your audience and drive readers to your medical website. If readers cannot easily find the icons to your social networks, more than likely they will not go through the trouble of manually searching for a specific page on a social media site. It’s important to display the icons where they are visible, such as at the top of the blog so they can reach your website. Overall, blogging is a great tool for marketing for doctors.

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